Monitoring exposure in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov

The following analysis highlights marine hull exposure concentrations as events in Ukraine unfold. The data on this page is updated each weekday.

– last updated 08.04.2022 – 

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Polygons of 0.5 degrees have been applied to the areas surrounding the Black Sea, highlighting exposure estimations and recent vessel movements. Specific data points include:

  • The 5 regions in which our estimate of Hull Sum Insured peaked during the prior 24 hours.
  • How our estimate of Hull Sum Insured has changed on a weekly basis
  • How vessels are moving in and out of the area
  • Any new areas of focus as events happen

Interactive maps

The map below shows our estimation of how Hull Sum Insured in the area has changed over the last week.

Interactive Sum Insured Heatmap

You can zoom in / out on areas and pause the timeline at any point.

The map below shows vessel movements over the last week.

Interactive Vessel Heatmap

You can zoom in / out on areas and pause the timeline at any point.

You can use Quest to monitor live exposures across your portfolio. For more on Quest Marine, click here.

IMOs in the Regions

Our clients can extract the IMOs which have been included in the top two exposure graphs by clicking the link. Contact your CSM representative for the download password.

Highest exposures seen in the past 24 hours

  1. $1125m with 127 vessels on the Istanbul sea side of the Strait of BosporusHighest_Sum_Insured_2022-04-07_1
  2. $745m with 128 vessels around the port of Constantza Highest_Sum_Insured_2022-04-07_2
  3. $542m with 61 vessels around the entrance to the Black SeaHighest_Sum_Insured_2022-04-07_3
  4. $534m with 96 vessels at the port of Novorossiysk
  5. $475m with 73 vessels at the entrance to the Sea of Azov

Long-term trends around the Black Sea

Trends leading up to the event (as of 24.02.2022) show vessel aggregation in the Sea of Azov decreasing.

The below graph shows Estimated Total Hull Sum Insured in the Sea of Azov up to 24/02/22. From 16/02/22, a downward trend can be seen, which is consisted with vessels leaving the area.

Contact us for more on how Quest Marine helps you monitor live exposures.

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