Become part of InChorus’ Fintech For All Charter!

Calling all FinTech and InsurTech companies! Are you interested in championing a more inclusive work environment and ‘speak up’ culture where you’re helping to create a more diverse and inclusive world? The’ FinTech For All Charter’ supports FinTech companies looking to do just that! Find out about what led to the charter below. 

Founded in 2019 by Rosie Turner and Raj RamanandiInChorus is a tech for good company providing analytics & data-led training to build more inclusive workplaces. InChorus’ platform enables employees to report everyday incidents of bias & microaggressions and uses this insight to created targeted solutions & training. Their vision is to create a truly inclusive future in the workplace – one which sustains diversity and where individuals can prosper free from the daily fear of bias and harassment 

“With InChorus we wanted to create a way for companies to capture meaningful data on their culture & track how inclusive their workplace is. We believe that critical to this is looking at, and understanding, subtle everyday behaviours – microaggressions – that are making some people feel excluded. Companies are increasingly zooming in on inclusion as the key to not only attracting diverse talent but to retaining it too!” – Rosie Turner, Co-Founder of InChorus 

At the start of the year InChorus’ latest initiative was launched with the help of Innovate FinanceFinTech Alliance and Level 39 where they carried out an industry-wide survey to understand bias & harassment across the FinTech sector. They wanted people to share their lived experiences and capture the behaviours that lead individuals to feel either excluded or included. 

Our goal was to root the conversation in data even though with inclusion this is harder! We wanted to take the anecdotal evidence that so many of us are familiar with and put quantitative data against it to accelerate the conversation. We also didn’t want to create negative news with the data collected but instead, we wanted to work with our partners to shape initiatives to help the FinTech sector level up their diversity and inclusion work.” – Rosie Turner, Co-Founder of InChorus 

 The survey data revealed three key findings:

  • 85% of workplace harassment is gender based with high incidents of ‘everyday sexism’
  • 84% of sector employees have been harassed more than once
  • 10% of the incidents logged were instances of ‘unwanted physical contact’ such as groping 

With these insights their FinTech For All five-point charter was born. They are now working with the FCA and many more to encourage FinTechs across the ecosystem to ensure they have foundational steps in place to share best practice and offer additional support.  

So, what are the 5 steps of the charter? 

  1. Leadership buy-in 
  2. Create and promote an effective bulling and harassment policy 
  3. Develop employees awareness 
  4. Fit-for-purpose reporting tools 
  5. Ensure bulling and harassment policy is adhered to 

Here at Concirrus we have signed the charter and although diversity and inclusion have always been at the heart of our company culture, we recognise we could be doing more to help our employees feel empowered and to use our platform to help implement positive changes within the tech industry. 

To get involved and sign the FinTech For All Charter head over to their website


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